Americana Car Wash in San Diego, California

On our website you will find full information about Americana Car Wash in San Diego at 9510 Scranton Rd

Based on 1 reviews

Gas stations in San Diego

Contacts of Americana Car Wash

ZIP 92121

Locality San Diego

Address 9510 Scranton Rd

Phone +1 858-587-2778

Update information

The location map and directions to Americana Car Wash in San Diego are based on the coordinates we have: latitude 32.8937160, longitude -117.2021730. If you are going to drive a car and use the navigator, you can add the coordinates [32.8937160,-117.2021730] to the navigator and you will get where you need to go!

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Reviews of Americana Car Wash

Arriving at 4:15PM just to scout the price of their most thorough car wash, I wasn't actually intending to get the wash but the curbside salesman said that because I was the only customer at the time they could do a great job (inside, outside, dust off under the hood, and detailing) in 1 hour for $100 which is a pretty good deal. He asked me to go inside and pay because the cashier leaves at 5PM. I paid then headed to grab lunch in the complex next door. When I returned at 4:45, the pictures explain the state in which my car was left. My car was still a complete mess. Little to no work had been done to clean the inside, and the outside had been washed once with no hand drying so there were streaks of mud streaming down all sides of my car. All of my belongings were left out of my car strewn along the gas station and road (see pictures, which barely do it justice). I was shocked. My very expensive saxophone was left in the road. My clothing bag was thrown in the ground and half of my clothes had fallen on the ground of the gas station. My groceries were thrown such that all the bags had ripped open and my food for the week was largely ruined. My bike was left out in the middle of the gas station. My matts were not in my car and nowhere to be found. No employee of the station was around except for one man near the detail station. He did not know where my matts were and refused to help me when I asked if anyone could give me a hand loading everything that has been tossed out of my car. He told me, "Come back tomorrow and maybe we'll have your matts." I had to stay an extra 2 hours to finish getting my car in a state that I felt like I myself wouldn't get dirty driving it home. I finally found my matts on a dirt pile beside the car wash and they were not at all cleaned. The next day I returned and they saw the state of my car and quickly and without hassle agreed to re-wash and actually detail my car, which I appreciated. I will never be using this car wash again. They did a very average job even on the second time around, but it cost me 2 days of leaving work early and 6 hours of my time (2 of which were personal labor). They left almost $8,000 worth of musical equipment, clothes, and food on the ground of a gas station or in the dirt, and caused me a lot of stress. The picture of my cars interior is after the SECOND time they were asked to clean my seats....
February 4, 2022 8:17 PM, Mr. Raheem Howe

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All reviews about Americana Car Wash in San Diego have been added by our users. We are not responsible for their content and cannot be held responsible for their relevance and objectivity. But we hope that the reviews about Americana Car Wash will be useful for you! At the moment, 1 reviews have been left about Americana Car Wash in San Diego and the average rating on reviews is 1.0 out of 5

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Working hours of Americana Car Wash

08:00am — 05:00pm;
08:00am — 05:00pm;
08:00am — 05:00pm;
08:00am — 05:00pm;
08:00am — 05:00pm;
08:00am — 05:00pm;

The opening hours of Americana Car Wash in San Diego may differ from those presented, we recommend that you check the exact opening hours for today or tomorrow directly at Americana Car Wash before visiting

Information about Americana Car Wash

Added at September 22, 2022
12:52 AM
Updated at September 22, 2022
12:52 AM
Users rating 1 4
Count reviews 1
Reviews mark
★ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒
Latitude 32.8937160
Longitude -117.2021730

1 The Americana Car Wash user rating is our internal metric, calculated from a large number of parameters! This metric does not reflect our attitude to Americana Car Wash in San Diego and is just a mathematical expression of a certain formula!

More information about Americana Car Wash in San Diego

Americana Car Wash company is located in San Diego, at the address: 92121, 9510 Scranton Rd.

You can always call Americana Car Wash and specify the opening hours, the exact address, as well as find out any information by calling +1 858-587-2778.

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