San Diego, California public transport map

The Transit network in San Diego gets more complicated every year. New stops, routes, and even new types of transport appear here. And all this so that the inhabitants of San Diego could move around the city faster. But it can be difficult to understand all this variety of waters even for the indigenous inhabitants of the settlement, let alone the guests of the city of San Diego.

San Diego public transport scheme

Today San Diego has a well-established public transport network. Movement around the city is carried out using buses, trolleybuses and minibusses, and other types of vehicles.

If you need to urgently move from one point of the city to another, our website will help you.

A detailed map showing the public transport network will indicate:

  • Accurate map and possible routes. Displays a city map with a choice of one or several routes, showing the movement of mobile units of these routes.
  • Stops. Shows approaching vehicles to the selected stop in the desired direction.
  • Portal for informing passengers. City Administration service. It combines the functionality of a city map with displaying transport routes and forecasting arrival at a selected stop. The service also calculates the exact time on the road.
  • Navigator. Will select the shortest route to your destination.

Public transport map in other cities:

San Diego's virtual route board

All routes in San Diego that you can use while moving around the city are published on our website page. In our online service, there is a list of urban, intercity public transport, including the opening hours and intervals of departure and arrival of buses, minibusses, trolleybuses, trams. Select the desired bus schedule from the total number of routes. And also monitor the transport in real-time and save your own time without wasting it waiting for the desired bus or minibus number. San Diego's transport network map will show you the real state of affairs on the road, your waiting times for transport, the nearest stops, and the timetable for all types of transport.

Current weather

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Few clouds


The last photos of San Diego